Lifestyle Planning
Bridging Your Dreams with Your Financial Strategy
Create a Life You Love
We’ll explore the following 3 areas with you to make this happen:
What is your why?
We look forward to learning about your experiences, your family, your values and money beliefs, and what honestly motivates you. Understanding this helps put us all on the same page (you, your spouse, and us as your advisor), so we can build a plan truly suited for your life.
How can we get there?
Through an analysis of your entire situation, we’ll come to understand where you are now and compare it to where you want to be. This helps us determine what gaps need to be filled and the various routes we can take to close them.
What should your investments look like?
Traditional risk analysis might call for you to take more or less risk. Given our life-centered approach, we’ll instead look at your story, situation and aspirations as a basis for determining your need for investments and how much risk to take.
See How Your Financial Picture Measures Up Now
Creating Flexibility for Today and Preparation for Tomorrow
Plan for Retirement
Save Money for Your Future
Manage Your Investments
Protect Your Family & Resources
Minimize Your Debt
Save for College
Build an Estate Plan
Lifestyle Planning
Integrating Every Aspect of Your Financial Life
Planning Fees
We’re dedicated to remaining transparent through our whole process. When you work with us, you’ll always know what your fees are and what exactly you’re paying for.
The Only Benchmark That Matters Is Your Own
Investment experts on TV may be brilliant and wildly successful, but what do they know about you? Why listen to their daily picks or predictions about the direction of markets?
Ultimately, what’s important is your own planning benchmark—the values you want to live by, the goals you want to achieve, and the customized system we create together to support both of those things.
Let’s Build Your Own Money System
With the knowledge that your future is prepared for, having a financial plan helps you live with liberation now.